Three Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Private Christian School

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Here at Renaissance Classical Christian Academy, we know that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. While you may get lucky with your local public school, we encourage you to consider all your options before you make a decision.

Three Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Private Christian School

In particular, we encourage you to consider enrolling your child in a private Christian school like ours. To illustrate why we make this recommendation, in this article, we will go over three of the benefits that private Christian schools have to offer.

  1. Small Class Sizes- To start off, we’ll go over one of the benefits that you will find at just about every private school—namely, smaller class sizes. In a smaller class, your child will be able to receive more one-on-one attention and individualized support from their instructors, which will help them grow academically.
  2. Christian Values- Another benefit of sending your child to a private Christian school is that the teachers and staff will model and reinforce the same Christian values you are teaching them at home. We want to help our students grow up to be moral, upright adults who serve the Lord faithfully, and to do that, we offer spiritual instruction and support.
  3. Positive Peer Pressure- A third benefit of private Christian schools is that the student body is made up of children from families that share similar values to your own. Because of this, our students are able to constantly model moral behavior for each other and help each other develop good moral character.