There are many options available to you when it comes to how you will educate your children. Many parents choose to send their children to a standard public school system. However, public schools lack an exposure to classical education that provides your children with the growth that only comes from structured, rigorous teaching.
We here at Renaissance Classical Christian Academy believe that a classical education should include teaching core subjects, such as mathematics, science, and history, through lenses appropriate for children at their developmental stage. For example, older students learn more than just the basic formatting behind producing a quality research paper. They also learn how the principles of rhetoric strengthen their writing so that they write more clearly and persuasively.
A classical education provides children with the tools they need to think on a deeper level than their peers brought up in a traditional public school setting. Classic literature and philosophers expose children to more deliberate word choice, poetry, and other foundations of good, classical writing. This exposure teaches children to mirror their own thoughts and understanding with this elevated style of writing and rhetoric as opposed to the silly, nonsensical children’s books you would likely see in a public school library that don’t offer the same benefits as what your children would be shown in a classical education system.
Of course, no classical education is complete without a biblical lens to look through while learning. Our rigorous academic curriculum combined with the ethics and principles seen in the Bible provide children with everything they need to be successful, moral people when they graduate.